“Not the Victory but the Action; Not the Goal but the Game; In the Deed the Glory”


Your Dungeon Master, Amy, has worked in the digital space as a writer, producer, host and gamer for several years at places like Nerdist, Geek and Sundry, Buzzfeed, and Dropout.

Amy has BFA in Acting from University of Oklahoma and spent over ten years performing improv and sketch at the comedy schools in LA including Groundlings Sunday Company, UCB, and iO West, and she uses all that sweet, sweet experience to make her RPG characters super fun! She has been playing D&D since college, and her album, "Songs in the Key of D&D" was inspired by many characters and experiences at the table.

Amy has written D&D adventures for Official D&D itself (in the 2021 book Candlekeep Mysteries), for Dungeon in a Box, and she has played D&D on notable streams such as D&D's official twitch, D&D Beyond, with The Guild, Wil Wheaton, and Brent Spiner on Felicia Day's twitch, Critical Role, and Saving Throw.

You can see her Dungeon Mastering all over the internet, or through a window from the bushes outside her gaming friend's house (she's not saying you should; these are just places you can see her DM-ing).


Photos by @anetherealfire (August 2021)


These songs are all inspired by Amy’s D&D journey, including some hot takes about Dungeon Mastering as well as some very specific live gameplay with Saving Throw Show. She released this album at SXSW in 2017 on the Nerdist Stage to loads of glorious applause given mainly by her family who lives in Austin. Orchestrated and Produced by Maxi Morales.

The best way to support Amy is to buy her music. It is some of the only content that is 100% owned by Amy. So even if you know or like her from other platforms, consider helping make it possible for Amy to do more creative stuff with a click of the button below!

Listen to Songs in the Key of D&D on Spotify. Amy Vorpahl · Album · 2017 · 11 songs.


These folks have said really nice things about my DM-ing!


How to be a better RPG Player…

An instructional series about how to be a better person and player at your gaming table. Amy put together some bite size tips based on the wisdom she gathered throughout the years as both a player and Dungeon Master. Need more on-camera proof of her experience? How about a YouTube playlist?


Game night is about to get a whole lot better…

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